Allameh Motahhari
Measurement of Human Aspect Theory in Analyzing Decision-Making Patterns Based on the Ideas of Transcendental Philosophers [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 65-93]
Allameh Tabatabai
Measurement of Human Aspect Theory in Analyzing Decision-Making Patterns Based on the Ideas of Transcendental Philosophers [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 65-93]
Ayatollah Khamenei and universities
A University Model at the Level of the Islamic Revolution [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 21-52]
Ayatollah Khamenei and universities
english abstract [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 232-238]
Big Five Personality Traits
The Role of the Big Five Traits of Personality in Predicting Management Styles through the Mediating Components of Patience [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 139-161]
Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Developing a Measurement Scale for Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Basis of Religious Teachings [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 35-55]
Modeling the Leadership of Imam Khamenei in Controlling the Conspiracy of 2009 [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 53-84]
Friday Imams
Designing a Cultural Policymaking Model for Cities with the Centrality of Jam’e Mosques and Friday Imams [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 115-138]
Growth Theory
A Critical Study of the Effect of Utilitarianism on Decision-Making Theories and Comparing It with Islamic Growth (Rushd) Theory [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 35-63]
Guidance and leadership by religious scholars (ulama). Islamic awakening
The Role of Religious Scholars and Intellectuals in the Leading and Managing the Islamic Awakening from Imam Khamenei’s point of view [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 123-141]
Imam Ali (AS)
The Dynamics of Imam Ali’s Conduct in the Management of the Crisis in the Battle of Jamal [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 115-137]
Imam Ali (AS) and the rights of people
The Interactive Responsibilities and Rights of Governments and Nations from the Perspective of the Imam Ali’s Political Conduct [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 175-197]
Imam Ali’s political conduct
The Interactive Responsibilities and Rights of Governments and Nations from the Perspective of the Imam Ali’s Political Conduct [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 175-197]
Imam Khamenei
Modeling the Leadership of Imam Khamenei in Controlling the Conspiracy of 2009 [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 53-84]
Imam Khamenei’s opinions
The Role of Religious Scholars and Intellectuals in the Leading and Managing the Islamic Awakening from Imam Khamenei’s point of view [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 123-141]
Islamic approach
Designing an Organizational Multilevel Rationality Model with Islamic Approach [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 41-63]
Islamic ethic
The Outcomes of the Islamic Work Ethic [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 175-202]
Islamic human resource management
An Appraisal of the Effect of Islamic Human Resource Management on Organizational Justice, Job Satisfaction and Leave of Employees [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 203-230]
Islamic lifestyle
An Appraisal of Effect of Islamic Lifestyle on Job Attitudes of the Employees [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 151-174]
Islamic management
Research Approaches and Systems of the Islamic Management Studies [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 57-89]
Islamic management
Field Study of the Organizational Values Model According to the Teachings of Nahjolbalaghah [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 91-121]
Islamic management
Designing and Validating Administrative Staff’s Tendency Scale towards ‘Commanding Good and Forbidding Evil’ [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 11-33]
Islamic management
A Critical Study of the Effect of Utilitarianism on Decision-Making Theories and Comparing It with Islamic Growth (Rushd) Theory [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 35-63]
Islamic management
Analysis of the Effects of Islamic Work Ethic and Perception of Organizational Justice
on Citizenship Behavior [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 139-163]
Islamic management
Job Models from an Islamic View [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 165-182]
Islamic management
An Introduction to Futurology in the Islamic Management System by Investigating the Methodology of Futurology and Ijtihad in Imamieh Jurisprudence [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 85-113]
Islamic management
The Role of the Big Five Traits of Personality in Predicting Management Styles through the Mediating Components of Patience [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 139-161]
Islamic management approaches
Research Approaches and Systems of the Islamic Management Studies [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 57-89]
Islamic Organizations
An Appraisal of the Effect of Islamic Human Resource Management on Organizational Justice, Job Satisfaction and Leave of Employees [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 203-230]
Islamic teachings in management
Developing a Measurement Scale for Organizational Citizenship Behavior on the Basis of Religious Teachings [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 35-55]
Islamic work ethic
Analysis of the Effects of Islamic Work Ethic and Perception of Organizational Justice
on Citizenship Behavior [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 139-163]
Jihadi management
Identification of the Defining Characteristics of Jihadi Manager through Meta-Synthesis Method [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 199-230]
Jihadi management
Explaining the Requirements of Political Managers on the Basis of Jihadi Management Approach [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 65-92]
Jihadi manager
Identification of the Defining Characteristics of Jihadi Manager through Meta-Synthesis Method [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 199-230]
Job Satisfaction
A Model for the Influence of Spiritual and Spirituality-Based Motivation Leadership on Organizational Performance [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 143-174]
Job Satisfaction
Analysis of the Effects of Islamic Work Ethic and Perception of Organizational Justice
on Citizenship Behavior [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 139-163]
Job Satisfaction
An Appraisal of Effect of Islamic Lifestyle on Job Attitudes of the Employees [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 151-174]
Job Satisfaction
An Appraisal of the Effect of Islamic Human Resource Management on Organizational Justice, Job Satisfaction and Leave of Employees [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 203-230]
Martyr Sayyed Morteza Avini
Martyre Sayyed Morteza Avini’s Leadership Model for Media Activities [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 95-121]
Explaining the Aspects of Organizational Leadership Based on the Islamic Value System Using Nahj Al-Balaghah Teachings [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 93-113]
Nahj al-Balaghah
Explaining the Aspects of Organizational Leadership Based on the Islamic Value System Using Nahj Al-Balaghah Teachings [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 93-113]
Organizational Justice
An Appraisal of the Effect of Islamic Human Resource Management on Organizational Justice, Job Satisfaction and Leave of Employees [Volume 25, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 203-230]
Organizational Performance
A Model for the Influence of Spiritual and Spirituality-Based Motivation Leadership on Organizational Performance [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 143-174]
Organizational Values
Field Study of the Organizational Values Model According to the Teachings of Nahjolbalaghah [Volume 25, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 91-121]
Perception of Organizational Justice
Analysis of the Effects of Islamic Work Ethic and Perception of Organizational Justice
on Citizenship Behavior [Volume 25, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 139-163]
Relationship-Oriented Style
The Role of the Big Five Traits of Personality in Predicting Management Styles through the Mediating Components of Patience [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 139-161]
Task-Oriented Style
The Role of the Big Five Traits of Personality in Predicting Management Styles through the Mediating Components of Patience [Volume 25, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 139-161]
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