The Role of the Big Five Traits of Personality in Predicting Management Styles through the Mediating Components of Patience


Instructor at the department of management, Payam Noor University


This research is intended at providing a model identifying the role of the five great factors of personality in predicting management styles by considering patience as a mediating component. The statistical population of the study consists of all managers of different official agencies and organizations in Shiraz. 258 managers were selected by cluster sampling as a sample group to participate in this study by completing a short form of the Big Five Personality Test, Patience Scale and Relationship/Task- Orientated Leadership questionnaire. The results indicated that the pattern performed well. The results of the analysis of the complete fitting of the data showed that the five major factors of personality, predict management styles significantly, directly and indirectly. The components of satisfaction and endurance also turned out to have a mediating role in the relationship between personality and management styles. The findings of this study, indicate that the components of patience, as the mediating variable, can modulate the effects of negative personality traits (such as neuroticism) on management styles. Furthermore, it can reinforce the effects of positive personality traits (such as consistency and openness to experience) on them. Consequently, it is suggested that patience training strategies be used in the field of management to improve the performance of managers.


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