A Critical Study of the Effect of Utilitarianism on Decision-Making Theories and Comparing It with Islamic Growth (Rushd) Theory


1 Student at master’s degree, Imam Sadegh University

2 Assistant professor at Imam Sadegh University

3 Associate professor at Imam Sadegh University


Utilitarianism, as a school of philosophy of ethics and politics, has affected various social and human sciences. In the meantime, the operational nature of the management discipline has made it more prepared to accept utilitarianism as a basis for its theories. Similarly, decision-making, among the various domains of management, has been most influenced by utilitarianism. Despite the great amount of criticism proposed against utilitarianism, there has been no changes regarding theories on decision-making. Following a foundational approach, the researchers have challenged management decision-making theories. In this regard, the theory of Islamic growth, with special comprehensiveness and high position in the Islamic thought, is proposed as a substitute for of utilitarianism as a basis. Hence, having conducted a thorough comparison between utilitarianism and growth theory, which required a detailed explanation of both of these theories, the researchers made an effort to extract the principles of each of them. Subsequently, having explained the beneficial nature of these theories, and the operational efficiency of the basis of Islamic growth for management decisions, the researchers tried to examine the effects of a fundamental shift from utilitarianism to Islamic growth by examining the utilitarian decision-making theories. Finally, the features of growth-oriented decision-making were introduced.


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