Aims and Scope

Scientific Journal of Islamic Management

Aim and Scope

Scientific Journal of Islamic Management is a double blind peer reviewed journal with the aim of developing administration knowledge and also identifying the management problems in organizations and find solutions.The primary purpose of Scientific Journal of Islamic  Management is to publish scholarly research articles with a strong emphasis on Islamic Studies in Management. The journal welcomes conceptual and original research papers describing mature works on Managerial Approaches in Islam and other religions.


Major topics

The Scientific Journal of Islamic Management welcomes researchers, scholars, resource persons and practitioners to come up with their ideas and new perspectives that can extend the existing body of knowledge of Management. The areas of interest include the following subjects, but are not limited to:

  • Business management from the perspective of Islam and other religions

  • Marketing Management from the Perspective of Islam and Other Religions

  • Strategic management from the perspective of Islam and other religions

  • Human resources management from the perspective of Islam and other religions

  • Organizational Behavior Management from the perspective of Islam and other religions

  • Industrial management from the perspective of Islam and other religions

  • Production management from the perspective of Islam and other religions

  • Systems Management from the perspective of Islam and other religions

  • State management from the perspective of Islam and other religions

  • Policy making from the perspective of Islam and other religions

  • Knowledge management from the perspective of Islam and other religions

  • Financial management from the perspective of Islam and other religions

  • Ethical and value issues in management and organization