Designing the organizational effort model of employees

Document Type : Original Article


1 faculty management, university Lorestan , city khoramabad

2 Department of Management, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Lorestan University

3 Faculty of Management, Lorestan University


The lack of motivation and fading of trust between the government and employees (public-private) is one of the important issues of the country's management system, and one of the most effective strategies to get out of this crisis is the mujahidan spirit of the employees. This research was conducted with the foundation's qualitative data method, and the main tool for data collection is interview. The data was coded with Atlas T software, and the sampling method was carried out with a purposeful and snowball technique from the statistical community of managers and academic elites of Agh province. Results This study led to the identification of 169 codes, 20 concepts and 6 main categories. The findings were categorized into 6 categories including causal conditions, context, intervention, central phenomenon, strategies and consequences. The findings indicate that mixed-media warfare, incompetent management, hypocrisy, corruption and toxic organizational culture as interfering factors, passionate leadership, employee empowerment and motivational policies as causal factors and dignity-oriented and task-oriented as employees' strategy for mujahidat It is an organization


Main Subjects

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Volume 32, Issue 3
Autumn Quarterly
February 2025
Pages 169-193
  • Receive Date: 05 May 2024
  • Revise Date: 05 November 2024
  • Accept Date: 01 February 2025