Compilation and prioritization of the features of an organization with high patience with an Islamic approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD Candidate. Department of Public Management. Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Department of Public Management,. Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Payame Noor University Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Payame Noor University Tehran, Iran.



Patience is the main mediator in achieving goals, especially in achieving great goals, and this is a definite divine tradition that without patience, the prophets were not able to achieve their management goals. The purpose of this research is to compile and prioritize the features of an organization with high patience with an Islamic approach, in which the mentioned features are identified and explained in the five pillars of the organization (people, goals, structure, environment and technology). This research is descriptive-survey and practical in terms of its purpose. The statistical population of this research was all the experts consisting of university professors, managers and experts of the governing and executive bodies of Fars province, among whom 15 people were selected purposefully and non-randomly as a sample. In the process of carrying out the research, first, the basic features of an organization with high patience were identified according to the study of previous literature, Quranic verses, Nahj al-Balagha and experts' opinions. In the next step, using the fuzzy Delphi method, the final features were identified and refined. Then, using the fuzzy hierarchical analysis technique, the final features in the five pillars of the organization were ranked and given importance. The results of the research show that among the five pillars of the organization, the pillar of people-managers with a weight of 0.33352 is the most important pillar of an organization with high patience. "Unhurried decision-making by managers in the face of various events" with a weight of 0.31502 in the element of people-managers, "respectful treatment of employees with clients" with a weight of 0.48131 in the element of people-employees, "endurance and stability in achieving organizational goals "with a weight of 0.55431 in the goal pillar, "efficient communication" with a weight of 0.29174 in the structure pillar, "planning and action to end the emergency situations that the organization faces" with a weight of 0.57352 in the external environment pillar, "culture Non-revenge against the evils of others" with a weight of 0.44573 in the internal environment element, "no dependence on new technologies" with a weight of 0.66134 in the technology element are the most important characteristics of an organization with high patience.


Main Subjects

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Volume 31, Issue 1
Spring Quarterly
September 2023
Pages 11-48
  • Receive Date: 02 November 2022
  • Revise Date: 29 April 2023
  • Accept Date: 20 September 2023