An Analysis of the Grand Strategy of Mosques kids Teenagers Interactions through Importance Performance Analysis Approach

Document Type : Original Article


1 PhD candidate of public administration, human resource management, Allameh Tabatabaei University, researcher at Imam Sadegh University.

2 Assistant professor at the Department of Management, Imam Sadegh University.

3 PhD candidate of public administration, decision making and policy making, Imam Sadegh University


The mosques incorporate a unique position in the education of kids and teenagers. This research is intended to identify the priority of the grand strategies in the interaction between the mosques and children and adolescents, and to provide strategic recommendations for policy making institutions in this field. Relating the research question focusing on the assessment of the importance and performance of strategic components, the status quo and favorable situation of strategic components for interaction between the mosques, children and adolescents, were studied through importance-performance analysis from the perspective of three groups of experts (researchers, cultural and mosque-relating activists, staff officials). It is worth mentioning that due to the huge gap between the status quo and favorable situation, the most important component for improving the current situation is to consider the connection and increasing coherence among the educational aspects of the mosques, families, the schools and the neighborhoods. Moreover, the external role-playing of the mosques, along with their internal structure, will have the greatest effect on the interaction between the mosques, children and adolescents. On the other hand, simultaneous attention to behavioral and structural components is also important. Moreover, the acceptable approach for improving the status quo due to the non-institutional nature of the mosques seems to follow bottom-up procedure. However, achievement of the alignment of the priority of role-playing with the educational system in relying on the educational capacity of the mosques, requires special care.


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