chief editor's speech

Document Type : Original Article


Department of Public Administration, Tehran University


The Islamic Revolution of Iran, having undergone many ups and downs, has reached a stage of development that today plays a role in the world equations as a decisive pole. This high rank has been achieved while the world is passing from a major historical scroll, and the Islamic Revolution is faced with critical and decisive conditions for further development in the future of humanity. Under such circumstances, comprehensive doctrine and guidelines should be developed to provide an intellectual and operational framework for passing through this turbulent and reaching the peaks of progress based on the Iranian model of Islam for all elements of society. Based on this necessity, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (Al-Azhali Al-Ali), has written and issued a charter and a statement called the second step of the revolution, which, while outlining the prospect, draws on the strategies for its realization using revolutionary theory, which is the result of a period of life in the world. The Islamic Revolution is explained. The second step of the revolution is a statement that begins with the historical narrative of the revolution and extends in the hopeful future.


نهج البلاغه
خامنه ای، سید علی (1390)
خامنه ای سید علی (1394)
خامنه ای، سید علی (1395)