Investigating the Effect of the Fourth Tempers of Islamic Medicine on Leadership Style

Document Type : Original Article


1 Researcher at Imam Hussein Comprehensive University of Technology (AS)

2 PhD candidate of Islamic philosophy and theology, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Islamic Azad University of Tehran, Iran

3 Corresponding author: PhD in business policymaking, Faculty of Literature & Humanities, Guilan University, Rasht, Iran


The effects of four human tempers including phlegm, melancholy, choler, and sanguine on transformational, interactional, and non-interference leadership styles influenced by the behavioral characteristics of individuals are being studied in this research. The firms located in the science and technology park of Pardis city were selected as the statistical population, among whom 462 people in 80 companies were selected as the sample. They were classified into two parts including the employees and the managers. The research model was analyzed through SmartPLS software. According to the findings, melancholic and choleric tempers are effective on transformational leadership style, though their effects are significantly different; the former is much more effective than the latter. Choleric, and sanguine tempers are effective on interactional leadership, while their effects are different and the former is more effective that the latter. Furthermore, phlegm, choler, and sanguine temperaments are effective on the non-interference leadership style with significantly different effects, while phlegmy, sanguine, and choleric tempers are more effective respectively. Accordingly, transformation in the process of selecting managers and examining their tempers are vitally necessary for proper appointment in managerial positions with regard to their temper characteristics.


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