Designing a Conceptual Model of Driving and Preventive Factors of Civic Participation in Nahjulbalaghah


1 Full professor of public administration at Allameh Tabatabaei University

2 Corresponding author, assistant professor at department of public administration, Allameh

3 Assistant professor of Qur’an and Hadith

4 Assistant professor of public administration at Allameh Tabatabaei University


Citizen participation is the outcome of democracy in the new era. It is the recognition of the dominating right of every human being in shaping their political, economic and cultural destiny. Meanwhile, according to Islamic teachings, people’s participation is a fundamental doctrine and principle of the Islamic state. Therefore, the Islamic state is supposed to design a mechanism for realizing the upmost participation of the people. The research question involves factors contributing reinforcement or weakening of people's participation in different sections of the government. To identify these factors, the researchers selected Nahjulbalaghah, one of the most important sources of religious knowledge. Data analysis was conducted through the Maxqda strategy for thematic analysis. The results indicated that preventive and driving factors affecting citizenship participation are divided into two categories, each of which can have a public and governmental origin. In other words, both governments and citizens affect participation. The interactional power of preventive and driving forces create the level of balance of citizenship participation.


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