Policymaking is the most basic manifestation of governments in the field of decision-making. Due to a comprehensive range of policies, the more this is consistent with human nature and environmental dynamics, the more it will be efficient and effective. This research is intended to propose a theoretical model for Islamic and Mahdawi governments. It follows grounded theory to reach this purpose. Research instruments included structured interviews with 18 outstanding experts and scholars in the fields of policymaking, Mahdawiah, futurology, and Islamic management who contained the sample group according to snowball method. Having analyzed the data derived from the interviews, the framework for policymaking model in the Islamic government in accordance with the promised future was designed. The framework containing “Mahdawi policymaking”, including Unity (Towhid) policymaking, perfectionist policymaking, rationalist policymaking, justice-oriented policymaking, was selected as the core category in the process of policymaking for promised governments. Identifying the indicators of these categories and components can be regarded as the bases for analyzing Islamic governments, especially the Islamic Republic of Iran, with regard to the global perspective of Mahdawiah and Entezar. They can also be referred to as a model for policymaking in Islamic governments with the purpose of approaching the just Mahdawi community.
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Rahman Ghaffari; Sayyed Muhammad Moghimi; Ali Asghar Pourezzat. "A Proper Model for Policymaking in the Islamic Governments on the Basis of the Promised Future". Scientific Journal of Islamic Management, 24, 2, 2016, 11-34.
Ghaffari, R., Moghimi, S. M., Pourezzat, A. A. (2016). 'A Proper Model for Policymaking in the Islamic Governments on the Basis of the Promised Future', Scientific Journal of Islamic Management, 24(2), pp. 11-34.
Ghaffari, R., Moghimi, S. M., Pourezzat, A. A. A Proper Model for Policymaking in the Islamic Governments on the Basis of the Promised Future. Scientific Journal of Islamic Management, 2016; 24(2): 11-34.