Corresponding author, Master’s degree at the University of Tehran
Recruitment and selection of competent employees are vital and essential responsibilities of human resource management. If this is performed appropriately, most essential capital of the organization will arrive at the organization. Unawareness and ignorance of the organization from social values and norms can have serious negative effects on recruitment and selection of the employees both for the organization and the society. This research is intended to answer these essential questions regarding recruitment and selection and propose a model for criteria of recruitment and selection on the basis of Islamic teachings and culture. Applying content analysis method, the researchers tried to derive the criteria form Islamic resources. At the first phase 109 constituents were identified and were coded and analyzed several times by atlas.ti software. Finally, 13 appropriate criteria were identified for recruitment and selection.
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Sayyed Reza Sayyed Javadin; Mohammad Mahdi Tanao’mi; Amir Mokhtari. "A Study of the Recruitment in Organizations and Deriving the Criteria through Islamic Approach". Scientific Journal of Islamic Management, 24, 1, 2016, 159-181.
Sayyed Javadin, S. R., Tanao’mi, M. M., Mokhtari, A. (2016). 'A Study of the Recruitment in Organizations and Deriving the Criteria through Islamic Approach', Scientific Journal of Islamic Management, 24(1), pp. 159-181.
Sayyed Javadin, S. R., Tanao’mi, M. M., Mokhtari, A. A Study of the Recruitment in Organizations and Deriving the Criteria through Islamic Approach. Scientific Journal of Islamic Management, 2016; 24(1): 159-181.