Correspondent Author, Doctoral Student, TarbiyatModarres University
Associate Professor, Tehran University
Doctoral Student, Azzahra (S.A.) University
Education Ph.D., Isfahan University
Studying the Islamic texts and concepts of the business, the author is to recognize and to present the conceptual framework of the Islamic business style as one of the factors of the Islamic life style in the article. The research is of applied kind and the data gathering is of qualitative-quantitative kind. The statistical sample are the holy verses and Islamic traditions in the qualitative part; and 108 experts in the Islamic sciences in the quantitative part. The method of analyzing data is, in the qualitative part, coding; and in the Islamic business style quantitative part, confirmatory factor analysis by the method of the partial least squares. The findings of the research display eight dimensions in the Islamic business style which are important respectively: business specific considerations, individual moral, business ethic, believing in God, sales and marketing considerations, personality traits, business financial considerations, and business managerial considerations. These eight dimensions are located in two groups: individual general dimensions and job specific dimensions which have 64 components. It is obvious that the achievements of the Islamic business style require the participation of all pillars of the society: at the micro-level, in the middle split level, and at the macro-level.
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