Deliberating the Role of Islamic Teachings on the Effectiveness of Advertising Messages in the Consumer Society Faithful to Religious Beliefs


1 Assistant professor, Management Department, Payam Noor University

2 Ph.D. Student, Payam Noor University


The objective of the survey is to deliberate the impression of the Islamic teachings in the contents of advertising messages on the addressees’ intension of buying from the views of the heads of advertising agencies throughout the country in the second quarter in 1393. The data gathering tool is questionnaire and the data have been analyzed according to the structural equation modeling method based on the linear relations by using the Lisrel software. The findings of the research indicate that the Islamic teachings have relative effects on the positive feelings of answerers, but they have had not certain meaningful effects on their mental images. The Islamic teachings have had noticeable indirect impression on the answerers in relation to the advertisement after which their positive looking to the advertisement has had meaningful and direct effect on their buying intension intensity.
