The Relation between Manager’s Characteristics from the view of Islam and Productivity in Pubic Administrations


Assistant professor, Management Department, Islamic Azad University, Sari


The objective of the research is to recognize the relation between manager’s characteristics from the view of Islam and productivity in pubic administrations according to the type of performance of governmental functions. The research method of the study is descriptive of correlation type, whereas, it is applied in purpose. The population is 586 people. After classifying the administrations on the basis of their governmental functions, a few units were chosen from each class as the clusters and then, using class random sampling based on the table of Morgan and Krejcie with a few more, 310 people were selected as the sample. Two questionnaires including manager’s characteristics from the view of Islam (= 0.98) and productivity (= 0.86) were data gathering tools. Data analysis was performed by using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics (including T tests, Pearson correlation coefficient, Fisher’s z), and prospective test through SPSS software.  Findings of the research indicated that there is a direct and meaningful relation the manager’s characteristics and productivity elements (efficiency and effectiveness). The relation between the elements of the manager’s characteristics and productivity according to the type of performance of governmental functions became meaningful, as well. The situation of manager’s characteristics and productivity in the governmental administrations in charge of educational, cultural, constructional, manufacturing, industrial functions was meaningful on the average (proper); but, the issue in governmental administrations in charge of political, social, economical, business, and financial functions was not appraised suitable.
