Elaborating Managers’ Successor Cherishing Pattern by Utilizing the Story of Adam’s (a.s.) Divine Caliph Based on Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s Interpretative Ideas
Doctoral Student, Public Administration, Free Islamic University
Professor, Public Administration, Free Islamic University
Associate Professor, Public Administration, Free Islamic University
The research, which is from the viewpoint of method:desk research, of addressees: applied, and of objective: explorative; is to elaborate a pattern for Divine successor (caliph) cherishing in the earth through deliberating views and interpretations of the Muslim thinkers and the eloquent particularly those of AllamehJavadiAmoli about the Divine caliph in the Quran-e-Kareem via the qualitative strategy and content analysis. The outcomes of the research indicated that, based on interpretative texts, the most important dimensions and elements of composing the Divine successor cherishing process are: competent recognition, competencies definition, competent cherishing, personal and social preparations and appraisal based on the objectives and performances. The managers’ successor cherishing pattern can be enriched and reinforced by applying the effective agents and methods in these stages.
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Mohammad Zakeri; Abolhassan Faghihi; Karam Allah Daneshfard. "Elaborating Managers’ Successor Cherishing Pattern by Utilizing the Story of Adam’s (a.s.) Divine Caliph Based on Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s Interpretative Ideas". Scientific Journal of Islamic Management, 23, 1, 2015, 41-64.
Zakeri, M., Faghihi, A., Daneshfard, K. A. (2015). 'Elaborating Managers’ Successor Cherishing Pattern by Utilizing the Story of Adam’s (a.s.) Divine Caliph Based on Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s Interpretative Ideas', Scientific Journal of Islamic Management, 23(1), pp. 41-64.
Zakeri, M., Faghihi, A., Daneshfard, K. A. Elaborating Managers’ Successor Cherishing Pattern by Utilizing the Story of Adam’s (a.s.) Divine Caliph Based on Ayatollah Javadi Amoli’s Interpretative Ideas. Scientific Journal of Islamic Management, 2015; 23(1): 41-64.