Deliberating the Role of Attitude toward Halal Brand Certificate in Creating Special Value of Brand


1 Associate Professor in Mazandaran University

2 Graduate Student in Business Administration


Now a days, the demand for halal foodstuff among Muslims and Non-Muslims in the world is growing intensively and the European market is not an exception. Therefore, many companies are trying to supply their products to the halal market, but the requisite for entering the market is halal certificate. Thus looking at halal brand certificate in creating special value of brand has been appraised based on customers. The consequences have displayed that attitude toward halal certificate has had a positive and meaningful effect on awareness of the brand  and perceived quality, but the effect of looking at halal certificate on the association of the brand and the loyalty of the brand of halal foodstuffs  were not confirmed. In this research the internal effect of the dimensions of the brand special value was assessed, too. The consequences confirmed the effect of the brand awareness on the association of the brand and the perceived quality, and moreover, the effect of the perceived quality on the loyalty was confirmed. But the effect of the brand awareness and the association of the brand on the loyalty of the brand of foodstuffs were not confirmed.
