Deliberating the Relations of Religiosity and Performing Religious Beliefs with Employees Job Satisfaction within the Framework of Alavi teachings in the Nahjolbalaghah (Case Study : Yazd Province Welfare Organization)


1 Correspondent Author : M.A. in Industrial Management , Tarbiyat Modarres University

2 Doctral Student in Business Administration, Tarbiyat Modarres University

3 M.A. in Industrial Management, Jahad Daneshgahi College of Yazd


The objective of the research is to present a model for extracting religiosity indexes from the holy Nahjolbalaghah view points and for appraising the rate of tendency to them and the  impressions they leave on employees’ job satisfaction. The population of the research is the employees of Yazd Welfare Organization. The main model of the research is based on three principles:“ beliefs”, “precepts”, and “ethics”. The results of the research display that the “religious beliefs” dimension among the employees is of a good level of acceptance. The employees are aware of “precepts” and “ethics” dimensions, too. Final analyses indicate that the “precepts” and “ethics” leave impressions on job satisfaction and the “religious beliefs” dimension has no meaningful impression on job satisfaction.
